What is Parkinson’s disease?

🎥 Parkinson’s explained in easy language

<aside> ℹ️ This animation explains what Parkinson’s disease is in easy language.


🎥 Video, duur: 2min, 56sec. Bron: ParkinsonNet

🎥 Video, duur: 2min, 56sec. Bron: ParkinsonNet

Movement exercises

🎥 LSVT BIG Movements exercises

<aside> ℹ️ Making big movements can be helpful when suffering from small and slow movements that can occur due to the Parkinson’s. This video shows some LSVT exercises that focus on making “BIG” movements with your arms, legs and torso in all directions. The exercises can be done seated and standing: Choose what position if best for you!


🎥 Video, duur: 24 min 29 sec. Bron: Parkinsons Foundation

🎥 Video, duur: 24 min 29 sec. Bron: Parkinsons Foundation

🎥 LSVT BIG Movements exercises 2

<aside> ℹ️ Making big movements can be helpful when suffering from small and slow movements that can occur due to the Parkinson’s. This video shows some LSVT exercises that focus on making “BIG” movements with your arms, legs and torso in all directions.


🎥 Video, duur: 24 min 29 sec. Bron: Blessing health system

🎥 Video, duur: 24 min 29 sec. Bron: Blessing health system